Tuesday, May 10, 2011

They see me Crowin, they Hatin...

You'd be mad too if you were the only guy without a power weapon...

Now, all credit due, the best list I've seen for Crowe is right here.

But as I would like to not spend $700 on a force...well here is my version...

HQ: Crowe 150pts

HQ Librarian, Halberd, Shrouding, Sanctuary, Might of titan 170pts

Elites: 5 Paladins w 2 Psycannons, 4 halberds, 1  Deamon Hammer 315pts

Elites: 5 Paladins w 2 Psycannons, 4 halberds, 1  Deamon Hammer 315pts
5 Purifiers w 2 Psycannons and Deamon Hammer  195pts
Razorback w twin Heavy Bolters and Psybolts   

5 Purifiers w 2 Psycannons and Deamon Hammer  195pts
Razorback w twin Heavy Bolters and Psybolts  

5 Purifiers w 2 Psycannons and Deamon Hammer  195pts
Razorback w twin Heavy Bolters and Psybolts  

5 Purifiers w 2 Psycannons and Deamon Hammer  195pts
Razorback w twin Heavy Bolters and Psybolts    

Heavy: Dreadnought w 2 autocannon arms, Psybolts  135pts

Heavy: Dreadnought w 2 autocannon arms, Psybolts  135pts

Total: 2000pts

Move forward in a bunch and proceed to profit from the Shrouding while shooting...

12 Psycannons
4 Superheavy Autocannons
18 storm bolters
4 str 6 TL Heavy Bolter

Not bad. Again, not the best, but still very well done.

The paladins fit in well I think as they just are great at being scarry when they need to. They also fire 8 Psycannon shots which in my mind is the perfect amount against almost anything.

Purifiers and Razorbacks make cover for the rest of the army and with Shrouding up they move as one.

Though I wont play it right now, someday I might... I still think Crowe kind of sucks from both a playing manner and backstory.


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