Sunday, May 1, 2011

One Moment, Why aren't people talking about intercepters and Grand Masters?

After reading the codex last evening I don't see why people aren't taking advantage of this?

Heres my tarting list though for you to look at,

Grandmaster with Psycannon

5 Purifiers with 2 psycannons

10 man Strike Squad with 2 psycannons

10 man Strike Squad with 2 psycannons

5 Terminators, 1 Psycannon 1 Deamon Hammer, 4 Halberds

5 Terminators, 1 Psycannon 1 Deamon Hammer, 4 Halberds

10 man Interceptors, 2 Hammers, 2 Psycannons

10 man Interceptors, 2 Hammers, 2 Psycannons

Thats 55 marines, and people think Grey Knights are elite...

This is also an awesome Alpha Strike If you get first turn, but I will go over that later, surprised I don't see lists like this every where? What? People don't like str 10 hammers hitting them turn one?


  1. I think this probably one of the stronger foot list's I've seen - and maybe something I'll work at myself.

  2. I guess you are giving scout to your Interceptors and shunting them in front of the enemy.

    I am not really a fan of these "one trick" ponies as you are screwed if can bubble wrap his stuff. But i have to say on a second thought that this pony is quite good, as you can combat squad the GKIS after giving them scout to put 4 units in front of the enemy.

  3. Grand Masters rock. No question about it. Interceptors are incredible as well, I just think they're sort of overshadowed by a few other shinier entries right now, but I think as the days go buy, we'll see them more.

  4. At Mad-doc It isnt really just a one trick pony though, thats just one of the ideas.

    Overall this list is supposed to work its way into midfeild and shoot till the enemy gets close, then counter assault with Terminators en mass.

    I think though Intercepters are golden if one can work out the right time to take the 30" jump.

    Overall this list is like a tool box army, all I think it's missing is a dreadknight, but I don't know, got to test play the Dreadknights as so far I'm not impressed. They are 2+ save nurgle Deamon Princes for 45 more pts basically.

    And until I see a cool conversion, the model looks like crap.
