Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jumpfail 1250...

So I've been trying the Jumper list, I've been failing at it though.

Here is what I have so far.

HQ: Librarian w jumpack, Uleash Rage and Shield 125pts

Elite: 2 Priests with jumpacks                                  150pts

Elite: Techpriest with Jumpack and combi melta        60pts

Elite: Techpriest with Jumpack and combi melta        60pts

Troop: 10 Assault Marines, 2 Melta guns, P-Fist    235pts

Troop: 10 Assault Marines, 2 Melta guns, P-Fist    235pts

Troop: 10 Assault Marines, 2 Melta guns, P-Fist    235pts

Fast Attack: Multimelta Attack Bike                         50pts

Fast Attack: Multimelta Attack Bike                         50pts

Fast Attack: Multimelta Attack Bike                         50pts

Its a Juggernaut of a list. Turn two the enemy has 5 meltas in their faces and the Marines charge in. Its hit or miss, either I win big or lose like a champ. Against my Space Wolves I get charged by thunderwolves and I get stuck waiting for the Lone wolves to reach me and lock me forever. Bloodmech just waits in reserve for the Tech priests to land, nukes them and the attack bikes, and then shoot each squad down...pitiful really.

I think this is the most competitive list for Jumpacks, though I might be wrong. Any thought would be appreciated. Its such a rock list...and I hate it for that.

As for valentines I can only say that I have 5 more tanks to paint to give you a guess at which list I will end up playing...lets just say I've been reading Bully's battle reports very intensely.


  1. Learning from my mistakes I hope Grim!

    I see your issues with the list.

    My thoughts were maybe look at dropping the x3 bikes (150) and priests (120) and replace w/ x2 squads of devs - 260 (10 points left over) - and can put a combi onto any of the independent chars.

    Getting in that 8 misile shots a turn while the 30 FNP marines run up the field? Could that deal with some of the issues. Theres less melta for sure - but it should still offer suppression right up to AV12 fairly reliably (and short of the cheese list you wrote I doubt there will be 2 many LR's lol), once in the face - you do have x6MG's x1 combi x3 PF's to crack open anything.

    I am not sure though.

  2. I thought about the devastators but I just don't feel it... of course I dont feel anything about this list lol.

    I'll try the idea though. Might turn out better.
