Saturday, January 8, 2011

From the Heavens... with love.

So, I'm getting set for the Campaign about to start at my local hobby store and while I was originally going to be rocking the Logan Wing I have looked through my resources and have found out that I can now begin building and testing the Jump Pack list I am going to build and take to the NOVA this summer. Its not the best I can do competitively as I still like my Logan Wing and am good with it but I want to take a fun and good looking list to the NOVA and just enjoy the games I end up playing.

Suffice to say, a year long campaign will give me the inspiration to paint and model the army to the best of my abilities...and give me enough practice to help with the NOVA.

Heres the list I'm rocking, description below. (Note that this campaign is going to involve alot of Fluff development on my part)

HQ: Grimnar Angband, Slayer of Kings (The Sanguinor)                                            275pts

HQ: Honor Guard w 2 Melta Guns, Jumpacks                                                           185pts

Elite: Tech Marine with combi Melta and Jumpack                                                       60pts

Elite: Tech Marine with combi Melta and Jumpack                                                       60pts

Elite: Galagor, High Priest of Blood (Sanguinary Priest with Jumpack)                           85pts

Troop: 10 Assault marines with 2 melta guns, sarge with power fist                              235pts

Troop: 10 Assault marines with 2 melta guns, sarge with power fist                              235pts

Troop: 10 Assault marines with 2 melta guns, sarge with power fist                              235pts

Troop: 5 Scouts with Missile Launcher                                                                          85pts

Fast Attack: Attack Bike with Multi Melta                                                                    50pts

Fast Attack: Attack Bike with Multi Melta                                                                    50pts

Heavy Support: Predator with Heavy bolters and Autocannon                                   100pts

Heavy Support: Predator with Heavy bolters and Autocannon                                     100pts

TOTAL                                                                                                                    1750pts

I like it, heres a few notes about it though.

2 FNP bubbles and 4 intercepting meltas... not the best, but will do.

Razorback spam will peeve me, but I'll work that out. The challenge will be figuring out when to DOA into the enemy and when not to. There's the tool that I hope to learn to use well.

I wish I had Land Speeders, but alas I don't own any and don't have a means to anytime soon, so Attack bikes it is. They also will help me by drawing fire from the assault wave of 35 FNP marines. Model wise I'm thinking Berzerkers riding Chaos Centaurs. Like how they are looking.

I chose for Grimnar to be the Sanguinor as there are already two players in the campaign using Mephiston so I need to break the mold a little. Plus I like the +1 attack bubble. I feel like I will be able to use that to help my guys. The super sarge can be helpful as well if it lands on an assault sargent (I finally have a use for my d4 dice I have laying around ^_^). Also, deep down inside I want to find a use for him. Most people I see aren't afraid of just how nasty he can be, I want to take advantage of this.

Predators are there to pump out shots at transports and long fangs. They also can soak up shots until the marines make it into combat or with their fast movement contest objectives in sneaky styles.

Lets see how it works shall we.
Comments and suggestions are all welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Nice enough list, especially given the odd model constraint.

    While I like devs in that HS spot, as they provide the same duality for 30 points more (s8 and the s4 - so AT/AI) but I think slightly more reliable in a jumper list? - but I am guessing your wanting to steer clear of misile spam ala Logan Wing. Plus you know me, love the preds!

    Attack bikes - shame I cant lend you my speeders lol, but they arent the worst thing in the world, fast melta + the bolters double up when you have no tanks to shoot at, or if at rear armor you should get a couple of chances to glance AV10 (or if shooting say a raider etc..). But bigger bonus - screens for the jumpers - T5 w/ FNP - thats a pretty durable screening unit right there - 2 wounds x2.

    Get some BReports up with the Sanginor - I am interested to see how he plays with a capable gerneral, I respect that your not going down the Meph route. Actually - thats just made me realise, no devs also means that one of your RAS sarges is going to be a beast garanteed.

    Its obviously not optimised to the max, but thats a workable list, but I think it could be a lot of fun to play, plus you have various different types of units, which means always going to have a bit of diversity.
