Saturday, January 15, 2011

1250pts of death... pt 1

So I'm going to see what I can come up with for my space wolves.

So I need some troops...
At 1250 though how many do I need?
I'm going to say three is a good place to start with.

5 Grey Hunters w Melta Gun      155pts
Las/plas Razorback  

Always useful... I'll take three.
That puts us at 465pts, not bad.

Now some good fire support. Normaly I look to Long Fangs but at this point value I need stuff to draw the anti tank off of my troops, while still killing transports and being able to shoot infantry. Now I see the increadible value of predators in this codex.

Predator with Auto Cannon and Heavy Bolters  85pts
Lets see where I can go with two. 170pts total for both.

Now a couple Thunderwolves to counter assault,
Thunderwolf with P-Fist and Storm Shield 105pts
taking two is a good call I think.

845pts...not bad... lets review
4 auto cannon shots
6 Twin linked Plasma
3 Lascannons
3 meltas
2 Close combat monsters

I need one more combat hero, HQ can help with that
One more shooty unit... I wish i owned another Predator...

Or I could do this...

Lets add an HQ,
Rune Priest with Living Lightning and Storm Caller, Chooser of the Slain  110pts
Good... now his ride.

4Long fangs w 3 missile launchers, Rhino    125pts

Perfect, more Shooting and a little Psyker defense.

We need rocks, and good ones at that. Something feirce and able to take large volumes of firepower...

We need Lone Wolves
Lone Wolf with Terminator Armor, Chain Fist, and Storm Shield 85pts
Take 2. They are game changers when they hit mid field.

That puts us at 1250 on the dime... good. Lets see what I have.

Rune Priest with Living Lightning and Storm Caller, Chooser of the slain  110pts

Lone Wolf with Terminator Armor, Chain Fist, and Storm Shield 85pts

Lone Wolf with Terminator Armor, Chain Fist, and Storm Shield 85pts
5 Grey Hunters w Melta Gun      155pts

Las/plas Razorback 

5 Grey Hunters w Melta Gun      155pts

Las/plas Razorback 

5 Grey Hunters w Melta Gun      155pts

Las/plas Razorback 

Thunderwolf with P-Fist and Storm Shield 105pts

Thunderwolf with P-Fist and Storm Shield 105pts
Predator with Auto Cannon and Heavy Bolters  85pts

Predator with Auto Cannon and Heavy Bolters  85pts

4Long fangs w 3 missile launchers, Rhino    125pts

 Total                                                                           1250pts

There... that looks scary. What do you guys think? The list starts out as a very shooty list that switches to the offensive when it hits mid field.


  1. Doesnt seem to bad a list I have to say. Pretty good balance, and like you say, good suppression (x3 lasplas/dakka's/living lightning/misiles) until you advance to midfield, then LW's/TWC present a pretty nasty front.

    Interestingly I wonder how this theme would work at 1500 as I quite like the concept.

  2. The SW codex at it's best, hardly any other codex can bring that much to table.

  3. @Bully Yes it can work at 1500pts, just add another troop unit and a wolf scout unit.

    @ Mad-doc I too love the space wolves but the Blood Angels look like a close competitor. I'll post the list soon.

  4. I find BA a little bit to expensive to get all tools you would want at this point level.

    But i am interested to see what you can come up with an how it compares to the SW list.
