Friday, February 4, 2011

1000pts of Red HATRED...

 The guy who told me I needed 1000pts for the Valentines Day Massacre said I could bring the most mean 1000pts I could. Here is my attemp at being able to still play with my Tanks. There are two troops but I'm not worried about that as I am very sure this list can give anyone a hard time, Its fast and ferocious, like the hounds of Khorne himself...wait I just named the list.


HQ: Captain                                                                          100pts  

Techpriest with jumpack and combi melta                                60pts

5 Assault marines w melta gun                                                165pts
Las/plas Razorback

5 Assault marines w melta gun                                                165pts
Las/plas Razorback

Predator with Auto cannon, Heavy Bolters                             100pts

Predator with Auto cannon, Heavy Bolters                             100pts

Baal Predator with Ass cannon and Heavy Bolters                  145pts

Baal Predator with Ass cannon and Heavy Bolters                  145pts

This army play exactly like it looks, drive around and shoot to your hearts content. The techpriest is there to pop the one Land raider I just know I will be seeing at this event, though I might switch him out for Hunter Killer missiles on all the tanks just for the better Alpha Strike potential.

What does my small readership think?


  1. Think thats a long the right track for 1K definatly.

    I'd like 3 troops in there but with that much AV I think the saturation should be sufficient to protect it nicely.

    I am sure your being fluffy with your Captain hehe, but obviously I'd prefer the libby in there w/ his Shield to protect the tanks if at all possible.

    I'd drop the techmarine - only reason is while I see the reason for it, a single one if it fails its basically not going to fufil much and may give up an easy KP - 2+ imo on the these boys just to give that element of redundancy.

    I'd be tempted to drop the HB's on the baal's + the 60 points from the tech priest and fit in another dakka pred + maybe a couple of HKM's or another Baal - thats a scary 5 AV13 at 1000 points - and a fair whack of shooting. Trading off 12 HB shots for 2 Autocannon shots and 6 HB shots and another hull - I think its worth it.

  2. Looks like a suitably mean list. The only problem I see arising is lucky shots from anti tank fire power early on could cripple your offensive.

  3. Yeah, I agree but I find it hard to find a thousand point list that can drop a good alpha strike list yet... maybe guard but I don't see them often getting in my way.

    worst comes to worse I just hold in reserve as I can shoot everything due to my fast status.
