Monday, January 23, 2012

Adeptus Divinus Interventious

No rage is as brutal as holy rage

So I've been thinking of how to get my Divine Intervention list up to 2000pts. I also dont feel satisfied with how my Draigo Wing worked out, so I'm just going to combine the two ideas and see what happens.

That's how we do it here on the Fist of Angband.

Now here is my original list:

HQ: Inquisitor w Force Weapon and Psychic Communion                                          55pts

HQ: Inquisitor w Force Weapon and Psychic Communion                                          55pts

Troops: 10 Terminators; 2 w hammer, 2 w psycannon and Halbred, 6 with Halberds 450pts

Troops: 10 Terminators; 2 w hammer, 2 w psycannon and Halbred, 6 with Halberds 450pts

Troops: 10 Terminators; 2 w hammer, 2 w psycannon and Halbred, 6 with Halberds 450pts

Fast Attack: 10 Interceptors with 2 psycannons, Justicar with hammer                       290pts

Total                                                                                                                        1750pts

Now at 1750pts 8 psycannons and 30 terminators are fine and dandy. At 2000pts though I would like to add more psycannons for my 2000pts.

Lets see where I can come up with more psycannons for the best cost.

At 90 pts I can make a five man squad of terminators paladins with more wounds and an extra Psycannon...good start with two of those.

For 55pts you can upgrade an Inquisitors to have terminator armor and a psycannon. That's awesome considering its another relentless psycannon for the army. Hide in cover, call in the calvery, shoot anything in midfield. Like that.

Now the Paladins need to be troops, 4 squads of Terminators just aren't enough. How do we rectify this situation? Draigo? Nah, I dont need him.

Grandmaster with Master Crafted Psycannon and Halberd 230pts

So I have saved 45pts, grabbed another Psycannon and can now take Paladins as troops no matter what he rolls.

You now have two models that are waiting to call in terminators and can kill stuff later with their relentless Psycannons and can score as well.

Heres the List

Grandmaster with Master Crafted Psycannon and Halberd 230pts

Inquisitor with Psy Communion, Term armor with force weapon and Psycannon 110pts

Elites: 10 Paladins; 2 w hammer, 4 w MC psycannon and Halbred, 4 with Halberds 650pts

Troops: 10 Terminators; 2 w hammer, 2 w psycannon and Halbred, 6 with Halberds 450pts

Troops: 10 Terminators; 2 w hammer, 2 w psycannon and Halbred, 6 with Halberds 450pts

Troops: Strike Squad w Psycannon 110pts

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Storm Brick to Storm Raven...

So I picked up a Storm Brick recently, and I call it a storm brick due to the current state of fail I hold to the model. I hate the normal Storm Raven model... horrible model, it looks like a solid brick with wings (hence the name). Now I don't want to let a bad model be bad... lets see what I could come up with. I also will be using it with my Blood Vampires so I decided to pick up the gorgeous new Coven Throne to sprew it up. Enough though for the blabber, lets get on with it.

First the very pricy box sets
This is hard have help before trying...

I Started by replacing the cockpit with the Coven Throne which will have a vampire marine and his vampire chicks mounted on it

Getting some work done with Plastic card, 

This is actualy the first time using plastic card in large amounts and I'm proud of the outcome I have to say...
extending the back so it doesnt look like such a failure of an airplane.
Looking better I have to say...

Looking better and better

Here is the final outcome with a few words of my own thrown in.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Conflict GT pictures round one

Alright, I went to the Conflict yesterday, not to play though as my Grey knights were still being painted...

Enjoy them though. I met the Battle for salvation dudes like Fritz and Jawaballs which was great to say the least.