Thursday, December 30, 2010


You know whats stupid? Forge World making their BloodThirster really expensive,

You know whats awesome? My brother buying me a perfect counts as for it for a fraction of the cost...

Yeah my bros that awesome. Christmas was good to me this year. Miracle recovery with my Aunt, good food, and now a cool giant Bloodthirster for Apocalypse.

And I'm making Angron, World Eaters Primarch, and all his Deamon awesomeness for a Painting contest at my local store.

I'll get pics soon, whenever I find my camera. Until then its back to Battlefield: Bad Company with my bro, then my usual haunting of Yes The Truth Hurts.

Hope you all have a blessed New Year.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Skies of Blood (hopefully yours)

So lets see. I want to see how I can get a use out of Storm Ravens. Lets see what I can come up with...
We want two Ravens for the army, 1 just sucks
We need Hard units to go inside of them, people keep throwing 5 man assault squads in there. Cool looking... but not worth spending 200 pts for a transport. I have an idea.

A storm raven has only two guns that I care for, the assault cannons and TL multimelta besides that its a Land raider with Armor 12 but can move twice the distance. This usualy means one less turn of being shot at to be in charging range. This is cool as now my opponent can only take one turn to kill the thing and kill the griblies inside, makes the entire game function off of one turn for you opponent.
I like how the Duel raider list functions so I'll work off of that template.

So lets see... we need termies, ravens, and dreads
1 Storm Raven w TL Multimelta and TL Ass cannon 200pts

5 Thunder hammer Storm Sheild Terminators 225pts
1 Furioso Dread with Frag Cannon and melta arm 125pts
total 550pts

1 Storm Raven w TL Multimelta and TL Ass cannon 200pts
5 Thunder hammer Storm Sheild Terminators 225pts
1 Dread with multi melta and Heavy Flamer 115pts
total 540pts

Total of Totals is 1090!!!
Goodness... thats alot! Well maybe I can get it to work. Lets keep it for now. what do we have to work with... 910pts

We need to get troops but fortunatly they can keep up. Razorbacks can move 18" and then move twelve and fire. I think Heavy Flamerbacks can work and it keeps the cost down.
5 Assault Marines w melta gun and Razorback with twinlinked Heavy Flamers 130pts
Nice, take 4 for 520pts

Now to keep the opponent in place three MM/HF speeders help alot at 180 pts for the three of them.
We are at 1790, 210pts left to spend. Even with a librarian as an HQ we only have 110pts, That cant even get us another Flamerback squad. I hate to say it but the Dreads are weighing us down (hehe). That frees up 240pts. and a elite spot for a speeder to be switched for a techmarine ^_^

5 Assault Marines w flamer and Razorback with Las/Plas 125pts
Lets take two, I like the addition of AP2 in the list.

Now for the last 200pts I will add a librarian to each Thunderhammer unit. You can give them whatever powers you want but I like Unleash Rage and Sanguine Sword.

This leaves you with the following.

Librarian w Unleash Rage and Sanguine Sword 100pts

Librarian w Unleash Rage and Sanguine Sword 100pts

1 Techmarine w Jumpack and Combi-Melta 60pts

1 Storm Raven w TL Multimelta and TL Ass cannon 200pts
5 Thunder hammer Storm Sheild Terminators 225pts

1 Storm Raven w TL Multimelta and TL Ass cannon 200pts
5 Thunder hammer Storm Sheild Terminators 225pts

1 MM/HF Speeder 60pts

1 MM/HF Speeder 60pts

5 Assault Marines w melta gun and Razorback with twinlinked Heavy Flamers 130pts

5 Assault Marines w melta gun and Razorback with twinlinked Heavy Flamers 130pts
5 Assault Marines w melta gun and Razorback with twinlinked Heavy Flamers 130pts

5 Assault Marines w melta gun and Razorback with twinlinked Heavy Flamers 130pts

5 Assault Marines w flamer and Razorback with Las/Plas 125pts

5 Assault Marines w flamer and Razorback with Las/Plas 125pts

Final Total: 2000pts
It plays exactly like it looks, Ravens fly up and drop off Termies while Razorbacks drive up behind and then just toast everything. This my attempt at a StormRaven list, enjoy it.
I dont think its that competitive, Its a rock, paper, scissor list just like the Vulkan variant. It plays faster though giving about a turn less for the opponent to act.Its a gimmick list, a one trick pony and I hate these kinds of lists. But if I had to suggest something

There... got that out of my system. Back to my normal stuff I go, but lets see what insight you guys have to say about this.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Razorback conversion

Lasplas never looked so evil.

Heres how I did my razorback conversion for Chaos.
I took one side of a lascannon from the sprue and one side of the heavy bolter and mixed them together.
The Heavy Bolter had the head of the gun removed and filed down along with the back,
A chaos knight shield was added on top and a peice of plasticard tubing was placed at the front of the Heavy bolter to represent some early pre heresy weapon which is the twin linked Plasma gun.

I attached them to the turret from the Ageis defense line for this one here but you can use the normal turret piece as well.

Hope this helps you guys as it was incredibly easy for me and I suck at modeling.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Whats up interwebs!

So, here I am... lets see what my plans are for the future.

I'm getting back into the swing of painting my stuff, I've got the following to get done...

15 Berzerkers,
9 tanks, might have to model them a little more,
somehow get the funds to build three new Lone Wolves, they need to look cooler,
Write another article for YTTH and start a flame war again (No joke, check the damage out),
write why the list i posted works (that will be here before its on YTTH)
and take part in a campain at my local hobby store, Mighty Titans in Landing, NJ. Look them up, its an awesome setup. Whenever the guy running it decides to start it up.

Its 1750 so I thought I'll just post up my list that I will be taking for the campain,
Its Logan Wing so its just pretty much what I always take.

HQ Logan Grimnar 275pts

Elite: Lone wolf, termi armor w C-Fist,S-Shield, 1 Fenrisian Wolf 95pts

Elite: Lone wolf, termi armor w C-Fist,S-Shield, 85pts

Elite: Lone wolf, termi armor w C-Fist,S-Shield, 85pts

Troop: 4 Wolf Guard, 1 Terminator w Cyclone-ML and C-Fist 150pts

Troop: 4 Wolf Guard, 1 Terminator w Cyclone-ML and C-Fist 150pts

Troop: 4 Wolf Guard, 1 Terminator w Cyclone-ML and C-Fist 150pts

Troop: 4 Wolf Guard, 1 Terminator w Cyclone-ML and C-Fist 150pts

Fast Attack: 1 Thunder Wolf w P-Fist and S-Shield 105pts

Fast Attack: 1 Thunder Wolf w P-Fist and S-Shield 105pts

Fast Attack: 1 Thunder Wolf w P-Fist and S-Shield 105pts

Heavy Support: 5 Long Fangs, 4 Missile Launchers 115pts

Heavy Support: 4 Long Fangs, 3 Missile Launchers 90pts

Heavy Support: 4 Long Fangs, 3 Missile Launchers 90pts

Total 1750pts

Funny part is that compared to my 2000pt list I really didnt lose anything important. I lost my Thunderwolf lord who I dont care for, two missile shots a turn, and my wolves for the lone wolves (Ok, those I will miss). The list is still functioning just fine. in fact its almost as if everyone else has to take 250pts less to fight me. I feel good about it.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

How to: World Eaters, the better Blood Angels

*note Blood Angels players can use this as a guide as well*

This project is a representation of how to break the confined limits of the game, breaking it towards an army you can play with and be proud of.  It represents the idea of not just having the competitive list and making the Hobby aspect of the game work in your favor as well

If people still want to make a fluff war about counts-as prepare to face me like a man as the Grimnar Angband has come to end this little game. I will give people who want to play World Eaters competitively a chance to in a way that represents the power of the XIIth legion better then anything that Gav has given us. So lets begin, shall we, I will show you what goes through my own head as I make my own World Eater list based off of the background of the traitor legion.

What are the World Eaters?

The World Eaters are without a doubt the most brutal and destructive of the Legions during the Great Crusade, constantly at the forefront of the Crusade basically wielded by Horus as a battering ram to break the backs of enemy armies. The only Legion that could equal the assault strength of Angron's sons was the most noble of Legions, the Blood Angels.

I could go into the details of how the Heresy brought bloody after bloody war upon the galaxy but that is just not useful to mention in detail right now. There are just a few main things about the XIIth legion we should remember;

1. They are a close combat army, fueled by their lobotomized heads and passion for Khorne, god of Blood and Skulls. Shooting is allowed in the list, just make sure your army can fight in close combat. Remember that Khorne cares not from where the blood flows, only that it flows.

2. The World Eaters take no Psychers, sorcerers or any of that crap. Take notice, Mephiston is the unusual exception as he gives the army a useful Psychic hood (Its a khorne army, it needs psychic defense), is one of the most brutal characters in the game and gives himself only combat advantages instead of shooting lighting or other cowardly tactics. You want Kharn, you got him

3. Jump packs are actually expected in an assault army like the World Eaters. They are famous for charging forward into the lines of the enemy, Driving away all thoughts of pain or cowardice away.
Now that we start with this veiw of a "fluffy" army list I lay out the question of which army best represents the XIIth legion? I find that the Blood Angels codex perfectly allows us to transfer the background and modeling privaleges into a competitive Descent of Angels army so thats what I'm going with.

Lets go with 2000pts for the army since that is the thing here.

Now lets see where I can start this list... oh yeah, we need troops so lets start with this.

10 Assault Marines w 2 Meltaguns, Sarge w Powerfist  235pts

There, thats not bad. Lets take 4 of them.
That sets us at 940pts with 1060 pts left,

Remember in the old 3.5 edition Chaos Codex, remember how Berzerkers had feel no pain... yeah lets bring that bad boy back.
We need Feel No Pain and Furiouse Charge to make the berzerkers the durable madmen monsters they are so we need Blood Chalices, lets grab a couple preists,

(Sanguinary) Blood Preist with jumpack 75 pts
lets take two of these for 150pts,

We are also going to take an HQ in a moment so lets through this in
Honor Guard with 3 melta guns 145pts
there, three Chalices to spread between four squads

We are at 1235pts with 765pts left.

If you want Kharn you got him, for 250pts Mepistons a steal...
just dont play like an idiot with him, he's one model, use cover to close the distance and kill stuff. I use him to represent my chaos lord, Grimnar Angband, I like it.

We have 515pts left... what do we need?
Oh! I know some dropping melta guns to kill vehicles so the enemy cant run away.
Lets grab some speeders and Techmarines to deepstrike on the opponents face and pop tanks.

Techmarine with Jumpack and combi-melta 60pts
Land Speeder with multimelta 60pts

Take two of each for a grand total of 240pts
This gives us some nice cover for the army as it advances or drops, whichever you choose really.

We now have 275pts left, have 45 FNP, Furious Charging marines, Mephiston, and 4 droping melta guns.
Here is a good 1725pt list if you wanted to play 1750 (just give the preists combi-meltas)

We need to burn 275pts, Here I personaly put the Sanguinator into the list as I like the extra attact he gives to all the units around him, kind of like Pedro Cantor, except he can actualy kill stuff. Nobody wants to have to deal with him either so he works well with the list, making the Marines into monsters with 4 strength 5 attacks on the charge. I like it and as I build it I will keep him as my World Eater Champion of Chaos, deuling the heroes of other armies and killing those around him in a bloody orgy of Khorne's wrath.

But if you want a more efficient use of the of the 275pts I would add the following,

5 scouts  w camo cloaks, 4 with snipers rifles, 1 with Missile launcher 100pts

5 scouts  w camo cloaks, 4 with snipers rifles, 1 with Missile launcher 100pts

Land speeder w multi melta 60pts

The scouts are fun to model as Cultists of Chaos, plus they are useful for objective sitting and can give troops or light tanks a hard time if they are left alone

The land speeder adds one more melta dropper to help.
Lets see the list now

HQ: Mephistion 250pts

HQ: Honor Guard with 3 melta guns 145pts

Elite: 2 Sanguinary Preists with jumpacks 150 pts

Elite:Techmarine with Jumpack and combi-melta 60pts

Elite:Techmarine with Jumpack and combi-melta 60pts

Troop: 10 Assault Marines w 2 Meltaguns, Sarge w Powerfist  235pts

Troop: 10 Assault Marines w 2 Meltaguns, Sarge w Powerfist  235pts

Troop: 10 Assault Marines w 2 Meltaguns, Sarge w Powerfist  235pts

Troop: 10 Assault Marines w 2 Meltaguns, Sarge w Powerfist  235pts

Troop: 5 scouts  w camo cloaks, 4 with snipers rifles, 1 with Missile launcher 100pts

Troop: 5 scouts  w camo cloaks, 4 with snipers rifles, 1 with Missile launcher 100pts

Fast Attack: Land speeder with multimelta 60pts

Fast Attack: Land Speeder with multimelta 60pts

Fast Attack: Land Speeder with multimelta 60pts

total 1985pts (15pts to play with)

There thats how I work through how I would represent the World Eaters at 2000pts
This list perfectly represents the strengths of the XIIth legion while giving you a list that can make a good showing at competitive events.

This list gives you a wonderful modeling and painting opporitunities for hobby enthusiats and makes for a fun project.

This was written to say that you dont have to play that craptastic codex Gav gave you if you are a World Eater fan. Enjoy and feel free to comment if you want.

Blood for the Blood God!
Grimnar Angband

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Khorny tanks of corny goodness

Wow, you know what? I sound totaly different listening to myself on video.

For those who want the list in written format, here it is.

HQ: Captain 100pts

Troop: 5 assault Marines, 1 with Melta gun 175pts
Las/Plas Razorback with Hunter Killer Missile

Troop: 5 assault Marines, 1 with Melta gun 175pts
Las/Plas Razorback with Hunter Killer Missile

Troop: 5 assault Marines, 1 with Melta gun 170pts
Las/Plas Razorback with Dozerblade

Troop: 5 assault Marines, 1 with Melta gun 170pts
Las/Plas Razorback with Dozerblade

Fast Attack: Baal Predator w Hvy Bolters, 155pts
TL Assault Cannons, Hunter Killer Missile

Fast Attack: Baal Predator w Hvy Bolters, 155pts
TL Assault Cannons, Hunter Killer Missile

Fast Attack: Baal Predator w Hvy Bolters, 155pts
TL Assault Cannons, Hunter Killer Missile

Heavy Support: Predator w Autocannon, 110pts
Heavy Bolters, Hunter Killer Missiles

Heavy Support: Predator w Autocannon, 110pts
Heavy Bolters, Hunter Killer Missiles

Total 1475pts

And no, I dont know what to spend the twenty five points on that are left.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tough luck for me...

So, my Aunts heart stopped for awhile earlier this week and she almost died and is fighting for her life. Life sucks sometimes, but what do you do. I wont be able to go to the Brothers Grim in NY as I need to be there for my Uncle and take care of the little cousins, I was going to meet the Battle for Salvation Group there finally as I really was encouraged and inspired by their blogs, check them out.

-_- awe well,

So now you guys will see some of the stuff I am working on as I now can work with a video camera which means you'll be getting some videos on my stuff (whenever I figure out how to work videos into blogger).

I'm trying to put a video up next post so lets see what happens.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How I Work this Thing: Part3

Taking "Death or Glory" to a hole new level
Well, time to continue my series of how to take advantage of a list like a Logan Wing.

How I Work this Thing: Part3
This time I'm talking about Lone Wolves. These are small one man Space wolf units that are surprisingly under classed by most Wolf players. I cant understand how people not see the use in these units. Lets look and see what we find.

Well we have a twenty point model with Feel No Pain, Fearless, two wounds, weapon skill 5, Eternal Warrior and enough upgrades possible to choke a horse. At first glance they look rather unimposing, no ones afraid of a special sargent walking around. They merely fill up an elite choice and over all aren't very mobile. What people need to do though is to stop just looking at the basic guy, lets give him some fun toys to play around with and see what comes of it.

I'm gonna use my favorite and give him a Chain Fist and a Storm Shield in Terminator armor. That gives us an 85pts model with 2 wounds, a 2+ armor save, a 3+ invulnerable save, Eternal warrior, and Feel No Pain super hero to go around. For how much he costs he fights and has the durability of  heroes from other armies. He is without a doubt a steal for the price you pay for him.I have thrown them at everything and he ends up winning against everything short of a Mega Death Squad of Doom, but then again, why would I attack that unit with just one guy? Get my drift, Lone Wolves are priceless interceptor units for squads moving to attack you. They have absorbed the charge of full Blood Angel Assault squads with their Furious Charging priests, have torn the throats out of Trygons, one of them even beat down Abbadon (still not sure how that worked out). When these guys do find a foe greater then them they can on average buy me a turn to get ready to receive the enemy, damaging them somewhat with their Chain Fists.

Now, some of you might say that as he is footslogging and is in truth just one guy. I get over that by taking three of them. Unless you want to take wolf guard in a non Logan lead army three Lone Wolves can give you for a cheap 255pts three super heroes charging up the battle field.

Whats your opponent going to do, Ignore them? From my experience this is exactly what they try to do, especially in kill point games. My opponents always underestimate these guys. They hear "85pts" and usually don't pay much attention. They focus on the Thunderwolves and the long fangs and before they know it my lone wolves are eating the heart out of their battle line, buy then it is too late to stop them.  I don't worry about them in kill point games, people still have to kill them if they are killing their stuff, ignoring them wont stop them (never does). I have most of the time six turns to have each of them kill at least one kill point each, or die. I've yet to give all three kill points to my opponent, without taking 5 kill points back.

These guys are the ultimate distraction unit, a living example of the Multiple Small Unit approach to building a list because if they kill something in a victory points game, most likely it will be more points then the Lone Wolf (since when do we see less then 85pt units short of transports)., if they die well you just lost 85pts, whooptidoo there's two more running around.

If you want to also have fun, for ten points give them a dog or two, nothing ticks your opponent of when they fire at you and all you do is allocate the dangerous shots into the wolves on the way in. In combat as the FAQ says they act as a separate unit you can use them to make your opponent waste their models attacks on the dogs. Too many times have my opponents power fist have to swing at a dog instead of the Lone wolf, when will people learn to keep their Sargent in the middle or back of the unit.

If anything I want you guys to give these guys a try, maybe even tell me what you think. I know I got a number of people and a judge or two to rethink the power of the Lone Wolfs, there was many a page turning as people studied my Codex to see if the Lone wolves are as awesome as they were hearing. The rumors were true, proved on the battlefield over many corpses.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thunderwolf HO!

So a few days ago a friend of mine asked if I thought a list with a lot of thunderwolves would work and be competitive. I had to think for a couple of days test some things out but finally came up with this. Tell me what you think.

HQ: Wolf Guard Battle Leader  w Frost Blade, Storm Shield, Saga of Majesty, Thunderwolf  185pts

Troop: 5 Grey hunters w Las/Plas Razorback 150pts

Troop: 5 Grey hunters w Las/Plas Razorback 150pts

Troop: 5 Grey hunters w Las/Plas Razorback 150pts

Fast Attack: 3 Thunderwolf, 1 with Storm Shield and Power fist, 1 with bolter 205pts

Fast Attack: 3 Thunderwolf, 1 with Storm Shield and Power fist, 1 with bolter 205pts

Fast Attack: 2 Thunderwolf, 1 with Storm Shield and Power fist 155pts

Elite: Iron Priest w Thunderwolf and 3 Cyberwolves 140pts

Elite: Iron Priest w Thunderwolf and 3 Cyberwolves 140pts

Elite: 5 wolf scouts w Melta Gun 85pts

Heavy Support: Predator with Autocannon and Heavy Bolters 85pts

Heavy Support: Predator with Autocannon and Heavy Bolters 85pts

Heavy Support: 5 Long Fangs, 4 with missile launchers 115pts

Total:   1850pts

There, I think I threw together a nice looking list. I made it 1850 because I feel at 2000 I feel it loses too much, the game is totally different at 2000pts. If you want to add another 150pts just add another troop Razorback.

I worked in 6 calvery units to fight my opponent and brought enough guns to pop a few transports on the way in. The Power Fist Thunderwolves are the power in  the units while the extra guys are there to spread the wounds around Nob Biker style (so annoying).

I like it so much I'll think I'll actually make the list along with my other projects. Expect something on this soon, but until then I will be gone for a few days, oh interwebs how I will miss you. Give me comments, please.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

How I Work this Thing: Part2

OK kids, now its time for my first lesson in our wonderful journy of gore-filled slaughter with little toy soligers.

How I Work this Thing: Part2
The flow of an army is vital to the working of a list, that much we all know. So today I will go over what went through my mind slapping this list together and how I got here. First thing is my prototype, when the Space Wolf Codex came out I had just finished my 30 terminator Chaos Space Marine army which looked like this.

HQ: Abbadon 275pts

Elite: 8 Terminators 2w Chain Fists, 5w Combi-Meltas, 1 with dual lightning claws, Mark of Khorn 335pts

Elite: 8 Terminators 2w Chain Fists, 4w Combi-Meltas, 1 with dual lightning claws, Mark of Khorn 330pts

Elite: 8 Terminators 2w Chain Fists, 4w Combi-Meltas, 1 with dual lightning claws, Mark of Khorn 330pts

Troop: 5 Berzerkers w Rhino 140pts

Troop: 5 Berzerkers w Rhino 140pts

Hvy: 2 Obliterators 150pts

Hvy: 2 Obliterators 150pts

Hvy: 2 Obliterators 150pts

Total 2000pts

This was competitive for me about a year and a half ago. Now this is a fun list I pull out for kicks. But as the Space Wolf codex came out I wanted to try the all terminator list with the Logan Wing and this came out.

HQ Logan Grimnar 275pts

Troop: 10 Terminators, 2 w Cyclone ML, 2 w Chain Fists 420pts

Troop: 10 Terminators, 2 w Cyclone ML, 2 w Chain Fists Arjac Rockfist 600pts

Troop: 5 Terminators, 1w Cyclone ML, 1 w Chain Fist 210pts
Land Raider 250pts

Troop: 5 Terminators, 1w Cyclone ML, 1 w Chain Fist 210pts

Total 2000pts

This gave me some fun times but it still wasn't cutting it for me. After a while I got bored and I picked up a Thunderwolf list (you'll see more of this later this week). I picked the concept up again when Stelek announced that he was making lists for Ard boyz. I looked at his recient concept for Logan Wing at the time and saw that I had the models to put it together as a nice Khorn counts as army. I contaacted him and got the first Ard Boyz list he made which was this.

I didnt end up going to Ard Boyz due to a good family friend falling down a mountain and breaking his back, yeah, it sucks. This did get me interested in how the list functioned and with out Ard Boyz I was able to study and test it to figure what made it good despite the massive amounts of missles. I first had to drop it down to 2000pts and banish the psyker to hell (stupid coward, Khorn hates you). I removed the extra HQ choices and the ten man squad to give the army some room to wiggle around in and came up with what I have now,

HQ Logan Grimnar 275pts

HQ: Wolf Guard Battle Leader w Runic Armor, Wolf Claw, Combi-Melta,   170pts
Thunderwolf mount  Saga of the Majesty

Elite: Lone wolf, termi armor w C-Fist,S-Shield, 2 Fenrisian Wolves 105pts

Elite: Lone wolf, termi armor w C-Fist,S-Shield, 1 Fenrisian Wolves 95pts

Elite: Lone wolf, termi armor w C-Fist,S-Shield, 1 Fenrisian Wolves 95pts

Troop: 4 Wolf Guard, 1 Terminator w Cyclone-ML and C-Fist 150pts

Troop: 4 Wolf Guard, 1 Terminator w Cyclone-ML and C-Fist 150pts

Troop: 4 Wolf Guard, 1 Terminator w Cyclone-ML and C-Fist 150pts

Troop: 4 Wolf Guard, 1 Terminator w Cyclone-ML and C-Fist 150pts

Fast Attack: 1 Thunder Wolf w P-Fist and S-Shield 105pts

Fast Attack: 1 Thunder Wolf w P-Fist and S-Shield 105pts

Fast Attack: 1 Thunder Wolf w P-Fist and S-Shield 105pts

Heavy Support: 5 Long Fangs, 4 Missile Launchers 115pts

Heavy Support: 5 Long Fangs, 4 Missile Launchers 115pts

Heavy Support: 5 Long Fangs, 4 Missile Launchers 115pts

Total                                                                                       2000pts

Im going to go over the basics of how it works later but for now lets keep this simple,

I have 15 units, 4 scoring units, 7 shooting units, 11 units that can fight in close combat, 7 mini close combat characters (four of which move as calvery ), 5 units that can move and fire Hvy weapons (Logan makes a long fang squad relentless), 3 that can split fire, 2 that can make my army not run away with re rolls on leadership, and only one unit is over 200pts. Do you see where I am going with this. This list has so many different rolls the units can fill out. I can keep the everything moving in a nice flow and can work on a reactionary basis.

All of my units can move on the board and shoot except the two long fang squads that Logan does not get to use, allowing the army to play the reserves game if I want to. This list plays very fluidly, changing shape and strategy to best fit the moment.

It is a great shooting army with 20 missile launcher, and a wonderful close combat army with 12 units with power or chain fists. It fits anywhere I need it to be.

The other part is that it is all foot, yet still modile. My opponents dont know what to do with all their short range, one shot, death guns that fail when I am shooting you across the board with misilles. It also gives my opponents a hard time with target priority as it doesn't have one big death unit to base itself around, go ahead and kill that one 150pt unit right there, I have a bunch more waiting.

This list shows the example of how a good list is supposed to run, with a sense of purpose and unity. So lesson one is this, know why you are deploying what you are deploying when you play a game. Remember, list building is just as important as playing, painting and modeling.

Friday, October 29, 2010

How I Work this Thing: Part1

I was going to finish writing about how awesome the Warstore Weekend was but I'll have to get to it latter as I want to cover this stuff before I forget.

How my Army Works!!!

I want to write this not as some kind of tactics of lesson for anybody, if you want to learn how to be good at the game then you should go check out here. No joke this is where I went from a poor player playing with three Land Raiders full of Berzerkers to playing nice, flowing, (and tactically sane) armies. The reason I am writing this is mainly to help myself (how selfish of me ^_^). I learned when I was young that the best way to memorizing things and learning is to write them down in your own words. This is my goal. I've been playing this army since I almost went to Ard Boyz before the summer, somewhere in febuary. That means that I've been playing this army for about 7 months over about 36ish games and in over 3 tournaments, I should know how it works.This is like the final exam for me, to test wether I've been listening and learning from my mistakes and victories. This will talk about where I started and what works and doesnt. I'll even throw some pictures and hobby aspects in as well, an army is as important being painted well as it is in playing. It helps that I am slowly building and painting about twenty new Berzerkers for my armies, the last time I painted a Berzerker was two years ago. This what I'm doing, by doing it on the Blog you all (all three of you) can come along for the ride.

So here we go, you'll be seeing  these How I Work These Things articles and a few fun things thrown in coming up.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Ones Who Just Wont Die...

Well, last weekend I just got back from the Warstore Weekend and I have to say that it was an awesome time. In the 40k tournament I had a ball. I wasn't trying to win but just enjoy what was happening, get a few games in, and meet some awesome gamers, like Dan over at Ten Inch Template. Dan won both player's choice and judge's choice for Best Painted this weekend and he is a marvelous painter and overall great guy. I also got to meet Paul from Paul's Basement League who is a wonderful person to hang out and play toy soldiers with.

Game wise I did a lot better then I thought, here's a rough summery. (sorry no pictures, the lighting was a nightmare for my camera)

First My list,

HQ Logan Grimnar 275pts

HQ: Wolf Guard Battle Leader w Runic Armor, Wolf Claw, Combi-Melta,   155pts
Thunderwolf mount 

Elite: Lone wolf, termi armor w C-Fist,S-Shield, 2 Fenrisian Wolves 105pts

Elite: Lone wolf, termi armor w C-Fist,S-Shield, 1 Fenrisian Wolves 95pts

Elite: Lone wolf, termi armor w C-Fist,S-Shield, 1 Fenrisian Wolves 95pts

Troop: 4 Wolf Guard, 1 Terminator w C-ML and C-Fist 150pts

Troop: 4 Wolf Guard, 1 Terminator w C-ML and C-Fist 150pts

Troop: 4 Wolf Guard, 1 Terminator w C-ML and C-Fist 150pts

Troop: 4 Wolf Guard, 1 Terminator w C-ML and C-Fist 150pts

Fast Attack: 1 Thunder Wolf w P-Fist and S-Shield 105pts

Fast Attack: 1 Thunder Wolf w P-Fist and S-Shield 105pts

Fast Attack: 1 Thunder Wolf w P-Fist and S-Shield 105pts

Heavy Support: 5 Long Fangs, 4 Missile Launchers 115pts

Heavy Support: 5 Long Fangs, 4 Missile Launchers 115pts

Heavy Support: 5 Long Fangs, 4 Missile Launchers 115pts

Total                                                                                       1985pts 

Now before you ask why I am fifteen points off I originaly took Saga of the Hunter on the Wolf Guard Battle Leader but realized (thankfully befor the games began) that I can have the Saga with a Thunderwolf so I took a pen and took it away. Now for the games.

Game 1 Blood Angels (Predator mech spam)

The first game of the weekend was awesome as I was playing the list that I am literally building right now. I got to test my Logan Wing against my new army early, and it was a feirce test. On turn one the Blood angel zoomed forward and blasted one Lone Fang squad to death and Scared another off the board with Fear of Darkness. This left me with hoping that My thunderwolves and Lone Wolves could fight there way through and hit them with their Chain Fists and Power Fists, This is mostly what happened. The game was a multiple objective game that left me with a loss only because one of my units rolled a 3 on its run roll instead of a 4. I literally lost BY ONE INCH! That was all I needed to draw, aw well. The game was well fought I was amazed by how much firepower the Lone wolves could draw and how well they could kill stuff. Everything they touched they killed (they even caught moving Blood Angel tanks and ripped them apart). This was going to become a pattern over the weekend and many people were amazed about how destructive these 95pt models are. After this I will write about them in detail.

Game 2 Raven Guard (3 Vindicators, drop pod Dreads, and Tactical Squads with a big Bike unit)

This game I played against Paul and defiantly was my favorite game, It was good and full of surprises. This Game was modified kill points where you had to pick 5 enemy units and they were kill points. To keep the game simple he chose my Thunderwolves and a unit of Wolf Guard and a Long Fang unit that were on  the right side of the board, the same side as his three Vindicators. There were numerous awesome events in this game but the two important characters was his librarian and my Lone wolf with two wolves. The Librarian started the game by telleporting with Gate of infinity next to my killpoint longfang squad and trying to Avenge them to death but scattering to far. I responded by charging two squads of Wolf Guard and the Battle leader in and they mudered his Tactical Squad but he lived. He then proceeded to telleport out of Combat and landed next to the long fangs frying them finally with avenger leaving my 3 units in front of 3 Vindicators, lets just say it wasn't pretty. My lone wolf though charged into a captain led squad of bikes. This was an attemp to hold them for a couple turns and so it was, and more. He proceded to kill the squad by making it run and escort it of the board, killing a vindicator, an Ironclad Dread and walking to the edge of his deployment board to kill its drop pod which was a killpoint of mine. The game ended in my favor but it was a toss up the whole time we fought and had fun. Best game of the weekend by far.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Long Fangs done

When life gives you Lemons, shoot missiles at them.
Here is five of my 15 Long Fangs that I have. There all painted and ready to go.

Am working on the Thunderwolves now and all I can say is that the Juggernaught kits are AWESOME!!!

I'll also need to get the Wolf Guard Battle Leader up and running as well.

Until next post, farewell and BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD... and all.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Here we go...

Grimnar Angband says "No" to spoons!

There we go, finally I got the camera to work, This here is my Grimnar Angband (counts as Logan). Isnt he pretty. Funny thing about the name as I named him Grimnar back when I didnt even know there even was a Space Wolf chapter. He was originaly named Grimaldus, I wanted something grim and dark, but then I saw the Black Templar codex and learned I stole the name from the most badass chaplain ever.So after a deep session of thought (breakfest) I decided to name him Grimnar and it was a year later that I discovered the Space Wolves (you know, when they got a new codex) but by then the name had already stuck, oh well.

As you will see over the next few weeks he has taken many forms, all of them exemplifying how great he is in combat (He is Khorn's Chosen after all). After the Horus Heresy he has despoiled and ravaged many worlds in search of a worthy foe. I have a full history of him and his army that accompanies him upon their cursed ship, The Fist of Angband. I'll post it when I get the chance... someday when I don't have to paint a bunch of guys for a tournament that's two days away "cough, Warstore, cough''.

Anyway, I needed to write my list for this weekend so here it is,

HQ Logan Grimnar 275pts

HQ: Wolf Guard Battle Leader w Runic Armor, Wolf Claw, Combi-Melta, Saga of the Hunter   165pts
Thunderwolf mount 

Elite: Lone wolf, termi armor w C-Fist,S-Shield, 2 Fenrisian Wolves 105pts

Elite: Lone wolf, termi armor w C-Fist,S-Shield, 1 Fenrisian Wolves 95pts

Elite: Lone wolf, termi armor w C-Fist,S-Shield, 1 Fenrisian Wolves 95pts

Troop: 4 Wolf Guard, 1 Terminator w C-ML and C-Fist 150pts

Troop: 4 Wolf Guard, 1 Terminator w C-ML and C-Fist 150pts

Troop: 4 Wolf Guard, 1 Terminator w C-ML and C-Fist 150pts

Troop: 4 Wolf Guard, 1 Terminator w C-ML and C-Fist 150pts

Fast Attack: 1 Thunder Wolf w P-Fist and S-Shield 105pts

Fast Attack: 1 Thunder Wolf w P-Fist and S-Shield 105pts

Fast Attack: 1 Thunder Wolf w P-Fist and S-Shield 105pts

Heavy Support: 5 Long Fangs, 4 Missile Launchers 115pts

Heavy Support: 5 Long Fangs, 4 Missile Launchers 115pts

Heavy Support: 5 Long Fangs, 4 Missile Launchers 115pts

Total                                                                                       1995pts

There, 15 units and lots of close combat goodness and 20 missile shots per turn. I think that will do well. I would take the Logan Bomb but am missing an important factor (no drop pods -_-). Still I like what this list has. The iclusion of the WG-Battle Leader is new but I think it will work out, I can move him with my thunder wolves and play wound shenanigans with the Runic armor or come on the board with the outflank and ran someones side with his long charge range. Hes there to be a distraction, nothing more.

I'm finishing up my painting tonight and tomorrow and will post pictures when I am done.

Until the farewell my one and only follower, I follow your blog, I like it, the Grimnar approves.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Arjac Smash!!!

Its about time I got this ball moving so here is how I would play the Logan Bomb as inspired by this article, here.

For those who have missed it, here's the list...
Logan Grimnar 275pts

Lone wolf, termi armor w C-Fist,S-Shield 85pts

Lone wolf, termi armor w C-Fist,S-Shield 85pts

2 Wolf Guard w combi meltas, Arjac 269pts
Drop Pod

5 Wolf Guard, 1 termi w C-ML and C-Fist 150pts

5 Wolf Guard, 1 termi w C-ML and C-Fist 150pts

5 Wolf Guard, 1 termi w C-ML and C-Fist 150pts

5 Wolf Guard, 1 termi w C-ML and C-Fist 150pts

1 Thunder Wolf w P-Fist and S-Shield 105pts

1 Thunder Wolf w P-Fist and S-Shield 105pts

1 Thunder Wolf w P-Fist and S-Shield 105pts

5 Long Fangs, 4 Missile Launchers 115pts

5 Long Fangs, 4 Missile Launchers 115pts

4 Long Fangs, 3 Multimeltas, P-weapon 140pts
Drop Pod

Total 1999pts

What we have here is a Logan Wing, I think were all smart enough to notice that, but what makes it different from other examples of the Logan Wing is how it is run.

This list hits up in three groups that I talk you though,

The first are the two long fang squads and the Wolf Guards with the Cyclone Missile Launchers. They provide me with precious fire support, most of it on the move. With 16 missiles careening into the enemy each turn my opponents need to shut them down. I don't want that ,not at all, so I built the other two parts of this list to give my opponent a difficult choice and hopefully split his forces, which doesn't work well for them.

The second part are the Thunderwolves and Lone Wolves, we have five small super heroes running around, smashing faces and counter assaulting. They aren't invincible, far from it, so by keeping them all around the middle of the board they can play off of each other and support each other. The Thunderwolves are my favorites though, people just never realize just how far reaching and effective 5 strength 10 attacks can be, if they gang up on a vehicle they can easily penetrate it. Mainly though the provide defensive assault units that apply pressure on my opponent.

The Third and final part are the punch from the Logan Bomb that drives an offensive nail right into their side. The first pod is treated just like a land speeder if my opponent is going first and has deployed, fall down, bag a tank. If the opponent holds everything in reserves you can either join the two wolf guards to the long fags for some leadership 9 and extra wound and plop the first pod onto an objective or someplace to make it mess with the opponent or just drop onto an objective and hope to distract the opponent long enough for the Logan Bomb and the super heroes to drop. Arjac is the hero in the Logan Bing, with the retinue of long fangs he carries with him he is essentially a 6 wound Lysander, add in Logan and you have a monster of a bomb. He makes the opponent want to run, but they cant. He is the problem that the opponent must deal with and the best part is that people usually send to little support to kill him or send way to much. He Is a giant sign saying "Shoot Me... If you Can". People are more afraid of Logan than Arjac most places, in my area they have learned to fear Arjac and for good cause.

These are just a few of the ideas I have been working on. Feel free to comment my non-existent followers.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

well... Here we bloody go...

well... Ive been playing Warhammer 40k for about three years and am a major fan of the World Eaters. I have a rather large collectionm of World Eaters which I am building to be able to play as Space Wolf and Blood Angel armies along with the Chaos Space Marines Codex. Expect me to be blabbing on and on about tactics for all three codexes and how my experience with each codex goes.

Now, as for the hobby awspect of this game I am about as hardcore for my space gladiators as a fat man is for Twinkies (I think that's a good thing ^_^). I started this game with Eldar and while it was interesting to learn with them, I just wasn't inspired. It was about three years ago that I saw Berzerkers and well it was Chainsaw swinging, gore splattering love at first sight. Now two years later I have everything from Rhino Rush to an all terminator "Gore Wing". I'll put up some pictures as soon as I figure out how to work this blogger thing but I do know how to paint rather well.

To start off I will just drop off the first list I am currently working on... on second thought, its late, I'm going to bed. I'll post it later. -_-zzz